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Make sure you mention in the subject of the email “Promo code included” to lure editors into opening that email. You can email 3rd party app review sites and offer them promo codes to organize giveaways/contests on their own sites or via their social channels. No one says you have to limit yourself to your own social accounts, there are dozens (if not hundreds) of Google+ communities, Facebook groups, etc. Don’t be afraid of giving out too many promo codes, once users start interacting with your app/game if they find it useful/entertaining they will get hooked – a strong community is a good launch track for your future projects. The idea here is to spread the news about your app/game via your users’ channels and get more exposure. Or organize one on Facebook by the same principles (re-share to participate, or add a comment).
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Just fire-up a tweet saying that the first XX re-tweets will get a free promo code. Organize giveaways via your social accounts. Thus don’t be shy, no matter how big the app review site is you can send them a request to ask if they’d be willing to host a giveaway – be sure to be generous, depending on the size of the site, and offer from a dozen to hundreds of promo codes. While this certainly helps bigger players in the market, those already have publicity and will be reluctant in organizing giveaways, thus leaving more room for the mid-little fellows.
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Second, devs can now contact popular Android sites and offer them the possibility to organize giveaways/contests where the prize is… you guessed, promo codes for their own app/game.

This is an incentive for them to do a review, as until now the only way was for them to purchase the app and devs to offer a refund. for an app review site) can receive free promo codes that either unlock certain IAPs or even make the app free (if it’s usually paid). First of all, you can have a mention on your website that any editor (i.e. Promo codes are useful as a promotion tool for devs, and for users, well, who doesn’t like to receive something free? Here are just a few ideas on how devs can use promo codes to improve their app visibility: She was a Blegen Research Fellow at Vassar College and a Senior Fellow at the Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften in Vienna, and she currently holds a Marie Curie Fellowship at the Institut für Klassische Archäologie at the Freie Universität Berlin from the M4Human Programme of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung.Free Google Play promo codes Using Promo Codes to promote apps & games She has been awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens and the British Academy, among others. Hurwit) of Periklean Athens and Its Legacy: Problems and Perspectives (2005). Professor Barringer is the author of Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece (Cambridge University Press, 2008) The Hunt in Ancient Greece (2001) and Divine Escorts: Nereids in Archaic and Classical Greek Art (1995) and co-editor (with Jeffrey M. Her areas of specialization are Greek art and archaeology and Greek history, myth, and religion.

Barringer is Professor of Greek Art and Archaeology in Classics at the University of Edinburgh.